Interview with Rachel Medhurst 1 comment

Author-Interview-Rachel-Medhurst--Jennifer-Ray-BooksToday, I have the lovely Rachel Medhurst talking about her new series. She is one of the original Writing Wenches, and the only Wench from the UK! I asked Rachel a few questions and got a few juicy details about her new series, the Zodiac Twin Flame Novels. Pisces is the first in the series.

1. First of all, what is your sign? I’m an Aquarius, and I’m looking forward to how you show the Aquarius eccentricities!

I’m Pisces! Which explains why I’ve started with that book. I’m certainly looking for clues into how each star sign works, so I would love to see your eccentricities, and everyone else too!

2. Your new series, obviously, is about the zodiac signs. Can you tell me about the series and how astrology plays into it?

Pisces CoverI love romance, like most woman, so I somehow came up with the idea of doing a fantasy romance series based on the Zodiac signs. Each book is dedicated to a different character that is born, and named, after one of the Zodiac signs. There are twelve ‘brothers and sisters’ that live together. Their guardians have told them that they’re on earth to complete a mission. Each one of them has to find their twin flame soulmate and battle through the tough lessons they need to learn, so they can unite with their soulmate. There are a group of men called the Dysfunctionals that want to stop them.

My friend is a huge fan of astrology, and its rubbed off on me throughout my life. I wanted something different and long lasting. When I thought of astrology, I thought of the twelve signs. Twelve signs, meant twelve books and hopefully, many characters that my readers could fall in love with.

3. Where did you find the inspiration for this series?

My friend often talks about the characteristics of the different star signs. I remember having a discussion with her one day and thought that the personalities of each star sign would make great characters. Somehow an idea formed in my mind, and I ran with it.

4. Can you give me any insider information or a behind-the-scenes snapshot of what’s to come?

I’m currently editing Aries, and I think that what my hulking warrior has to go through will shock everyone. This series isn’t just about love, it’s about the battles that normal people have to face. Addictions, injury, infidelity, and heartbreak are just some of the tough battles that the Zodiacs have to face. However, its mixed with jokes, cake, romance, and happily ever after too!

5. Tell us about Pisces. 

Pisces is a sensitive soul that can breathe underwater. She feels like she’s waited forever to meet her twin flame soulmate, and when she does, she doesn’t even recognise him. Her battle is emotions. Touch, sound, and smell can trigger an emotional reaction so powerful, that she blacks out.

 Her reaction to Antony is to run. She doesn’t see that he is the one for her, and neither does he. Nick, the leader of the Dysfunctionals, will do anything to stop them from uniting. Even tricking Pisces into believing that someone else is her soulmate.

 When Antony, and her brothers, rescue her, she realises who her true twin flame really is. Will either one of them stop running for long enough to unite?

I can’t wait to read the series! It sounds fantastic! Thank you, Rachel, for being here today. Here’s a little bit about Rachel and where to find her on the wondrous world wide web:

Photo(2)Rachel Medhurst grew up in Surrey, England. She writes to prove that no matter where you come from, you can be anything you want to be. Your past may shape you, but it doesn’t define you. When Rachel isn’t writing, she can be found reading and walking in nature.



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