The Writer’s Voice Contest 17 comments

Writer's-Voice-Contest--Jennifer-Ray-BooksThank you for taking the time to read my query and first 250 words of my manuscript.

Title: The Fay
Genre: NA Contemporary Fantasy


Dear Agent,

College senior, Gabriella Martin, has one last history research project before her meticulously planned out future can begin. In a few months she’ll graduate, get an amazing job at a prestigious museum, fall in love, and have her white picket fence.

The mysterious graduate student, Bartholomew, has finally earned back his position from a Watcher warrior to a Fay Trainer. Thol will follow his commander’s orders and get the job done successfully this time. They will not lose another fay.

When Gabby learns she can control the elements, her perfectly planned future is in jeopardy. With the help of Gabby’s family, Thol steps in to guide and train her to become the asset she needs to be.

But an unknown assailant has other plans for Gabby. Not only is she training to become a powerful fay to fight the Greek Gods, she’s in the fight for her life.

To prevent the Gods from returning, Gabby and Thol must stop whoever is trying to kill her and her family, fight a battle in the epic war of good versus evil, and not be crushed by Olympus.

The Fay is a New Adult Contemporary Fantasy complete at 92,000 words.


First 250 words:

Gabby rushed out of her apartment and toward the stairwell at the end of the hall. The smoke filled the entire stairwell. Her lungs constricted and her breathing became labored as she ascended the stairs. Why the hell was she running toward the fire and not out of the building? She would check the third floor and then leave.

She topped the stairs and immediately spotted the source of the fire outside the last apartment. People coughed and gagged as they escaped like scared cats from all but that apartment. Just make sure everyone is out and leave. Check and leave. She paused before she committed to her task. Check and leave. She swallowed back a wave of nausea, took one last breath of relatively clean air, and made her foot take that first step.

She inched the length of the hallway, keeping her distance from the fire. She stared at the closed door across the hall. Sighing, she forced the few steps to the door. Flames licked at the doorway. She slowly reached her bare hand out to the doorknob. The warmth from the knob met her hand before she touched it. She jerked her hand back and checked her palm for a burn. Satisfied she was fine, she pulled her sweatshirt sleeve over her hand and reached out again to turn the knob. The knob rotated fully, and the door opened. She threw open the door and stepped back. She glanced down for a quick examination of her clothes.

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